Nitrogen Needle Kit, 08-0075
The Motion Pro Nitrogen Needle is designed to fill gas charged shocks with a self-sealing rubber valve. This nitrogen needle is designed to be used in conjunction with the Motion Pro Nitrogen Shock Gauge (08-0072), a nitrogen tank, regulator, hose and filler chuck.
Wear eye protection to prevent eye injury from escaping gas and/or metal chips. Never point
needle towards yourself or others.
Always follow shock manufactures instructions and only fill to their recommended pressure.
1. Remove the hose assembly from the nitrogen gauge body (08-0072). Install the nitrogen needle adapter into the body using pipe sealant or Teflon® tape.
2. Remove the retainer nut from the adapter. WARNING: To prevent injury, leave protective cover on needle while installing on tube. Slide the needle over the stainless steel tube (1/8 I.D.) extending from the adapter. Note: Do not force needle onto tube, the needle will seat when retaining nut is tightened.
3. Remove the protective cover from the needle. Install the “O” ring over the needle being careful not to injure yourself with the sharp point of the needle.
4. Install retainer nut and tighten until “O” ring and needle seat against adapter. Note: To remove needle, replace needle cover. Then, use pliers on tapered plastic part of needle and twist while pulling off.
5. Remove the screw that covers the self-sealing rubber valve on the shock. While holding the reservoir body, insert the needle into the self-sealing rubber valve as straight as possible. Avoid bending the needle, which will result in breakage of the needle.
6. Set the nitrogen tank regulator outlet pressure to the shock manufacturers recommended nitrogen pressure setting. Using the chuck from the nitrogen tank regulator pressurize the Motion Pro Nitrogen Gauge to the shock manufacturers recommended nitrogen pressure setting.
7. Pull gauge/needle assembly out of self-sealing rubber valve and replace cover screw over valve. Install protective cover over needle when not in use.
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